There is a Declaration of Independence that every freedom loving people look forward to. It means to them freedom from colonial powers, tyranny or dictatorship. In the Philippines it was proclaim twice, in June 12, 1898 and July 4, 1945. Our country right after 1945 was never occupied again by foreign powers. But since independence day , we are still not free. Not of foreign dominations but of financial ignorance.
This new year, as my contribution to the Filipinos who would like to unshackle the chain of financial ignorance, I drafted the DECLARATION OF FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT . The purpose of which as your guide and as my New Year’s gift to you.
By: Arnel L. Cadeliña
1. I will find a job or create my own job as a starter to build wealth.
2. I will use my income to build my own house.
3. I will develop more skills to earn more, live within my means, save and invest not less than 10% of my income.
4. I will prepare early for my retirement by investing in diversified portfolio,
5. I will learn more about mutual funds and stocks.
6. I will teach my children on how to handle their finances.
7. I will support locally made products and competitive Filipino enterprises.
8. I will manage my budget and debt proactively.
9. I will not spend on things that are not needed in order to have a 3 months cash reserve.
10. I will always spend money that will have a positive impact on my family and my community.
(You may share this DECLARATION OF FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT to all Filpinos you know around the world. Just acknowledge the author. You may e-mail me arnelcadelina@gmail.com )
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