My students are asking what is the best Philippine MBA school ?. I always said that the school that will force you to think creatively and make that idea a reality is the best one. But not everyone is blessed with money to spend close to P300,000 to obtain an MBA, nor the opportunity because of distance, work and family problems.
Those who are facing the above constraints, take heart because for only an investment of P10,000 or less you can be like a newly minted MBA graduate.
How? By borrowing, renting or buying the 20 business books written by the best minds of our lifetime. I am recommending these 20 books because it covers economics, management, sales and marketing, small business, investing, personal finance and careers. Enough for a person to think like a newly minted MBA graduate.
The books are:
1. Good to Great by Jim Collins
2. Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
3. Now, discover your strengths by Marcus Buckingham
4. Who Moved my cheese? Spencer Johnson
5. Freakonomics by Stephen Levitt
6. The Total Money Makeover by David Ramsey
7. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
8. Rich dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
9. Gettings Things Done by David Allen
10. Good to Great and the Social Sectors by Jim Collins
11. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
12. The 7- Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
13. A Guide to project Management Body of Knowledge by the Project management
14. Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher.
15. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
16. Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
17. The money book for the young, Fabulous and broke by Suze Orman
18. Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institute
19. The Goal by Elihayu M. Goldratt
20. What got you here won’t get you there by Marshall Goldsmith
Read , employ and live it out.
If you are still not satisfied after reading the 20 books, go ahead and enroll in an MBA program. They will add the mind numbing Accounting, the money laden operations & logistics and the brainwashing business ethics.
The advantage of the classroom setting MBA programs is that you can physically collaborate with your best professors who will train you to questions idea from every angle. They will train you to be Primus Inter Pares.
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