"Education Sec. Jesli A. Lapus announced that the 300,000 4th year public and private high school students are required to take the National Career Assessment Examination scheduled for December 12"
This announcement caught many parents by suprised and wonder if this is similar to the defunct NCEE. I browsed the DepEd Memorandum No. 342 series of 2006 regading this National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) and summarized below:
1. The NCAE will be done first in Manila on December 12. Others to follow.
2. This is not similar to NCEE. Therefore students can flunk and still go to college.
3.This aims only to guide high school students and parents on what appropriate career path is fitted for them.
4. The exam consider mental competence, aptitude, skills and interest.
This is a good project of Sec. Lapus because some college students are unemployable because of the wrong choice of course. The parents will spend large scale of hard-earned income and they should know what course that will fit their children's competence and interest or else all will be squandered.
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