Our beloved Quezon Province now has a population of 1.82 M.With a low rank of no. 17 on Human development index ( a perennial laggard compared to other CALABARZON Provinces),and an unemployment rate of 7.3% we are facing the worst nightmare of economists:population explosion and widespread unemployment.
As your provincemate who believed that our people deserved a better future, please allow me to propose one project that will create positive maximum domino effect to our Quezon Province Economy.
As our agriculture secretary, kindly spearhead the creation of QUEZON PACKAGING SERVICES AND PACKING CENTER. This center will make generic packaging materials for micro, small and medium enterprises of the province. Packaging in boxes, bottles and vacuum packaging will make the product of Quezon Province available nationwide and can be exported with your full support.
Your provincemate will help you in the following ways:
1. The Quezon Chamber of Commerce and industry can identify what products can be included for packaging. They can help also on the marketing.
2. The colleges/universities can contribute like Sacred Heart College for the feasibility Study, Enverga University for design ,CEFI for marketing, and QNAS for food technology.
3. The Provincial Government of Quezon can look for financing of the QUEZON PACKAGING SERVICES AND PACKING CENTER since this entity will be government owned.
4. The DOST Quezon will train people for the packaging and will handle the initial operation.
5. The QUEZON PACKAGING SERVICES AND PACKING CENTER to maximize profit will be offered also to other SME in CALABARZON.
You see my dear Secretary Alcala, if we can combine the bright minds of Quezon Province, we can do a lot of things to make the lives of our provincemate better.
Very truly yours,
Arnel L. Cadeliña